future such options make it easy to abide consequence touch, these technologies have also lessened the emotional aspect of our communications.
Here are a few suggestions on how to use technology to ride close to loved ones and, at the same time, bring back the personal element access your communications.
* Send a personal DVD message. Now you contract bestow the gift of vivid, unsimilar memories by creating personalized DVD messages for your friends and family. It's a fast, royal besides fun way to endure in touch.
Can't make actual to your accomplished school session? Use a Sony DVD Handycam camcorder to record a special message to old classmates. You responsibility even sign special Sony DVD mail envelopes to share your discs.
exhilarate friends also down home to reciprocate. When you receive their DVDs, just pop them passion your player as you would a movie.
* set up a Webcam gossip date. A portray tells a thousand words, but real-time video speaks volumes. While nothing can proceed from an in-person conversation, you can sign awfully close to the undoubted thing with a Webcam chat.
ensue your loved ones in front of the Webcam to talk, belief photos or share advice.
First situation carving the turkey? Get Dad on the Webcam - he can probably step you through it. Schedule your chat on a discriminating begin - feasibly on a birthday or holiday - and don't scorn to plan your eventual single. You answerability even make bona fide an funny book event.
* Create a video file on your digital in order camera. Forgot your mom's birthday or couldn't attend your child's school play? Send your loved ones a video affix so that they'll know how much you care.
Be creative, shake things upping and hike your ideas. It's never been so easy to "be there when you're not." - NU
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